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Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol used to provide secure online communication across networks in hopes of protecting data from being tampered with by third parties. To allow for consistency and security among all applications, ISO New England will upgrade TLS to version 1.2 for all applications listed on the Standard Market Design (SMD) homepage on Wednesday, March 31, 2021; examples of applications on the SMD homepage include eMarket (Bids & Offers, eFTR, Meter Reading uploads, and the Internal Bilateral Transaction user interfaces.

To prepare ISO New England participants for this change, a sandbox environment has been provided to test data exchanges. For more technical guidance, the below documents have been provided:

· Web Browser Support for SMD Applications — Browser requirements to successfully interact with ISO New England SMD applications.

· Materials Related to Upload and Download File Formats — Documents providing guidance on the file formats and programmatic actions required for uploading to and downloading information from the ISO’s applications and systems.

Adapt2 product and development teams are re-testing respective processes to ensure no disruptions to customer operations. According to ISO New England, this change will not impact browser-based user interface access to SMD applications as long as the user has not manually disabled TLS version 1.2. Adapt2 is committed to providing its customers with relevant and valuable updates to help them succeed.

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