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SPP FERC Order 841 Production Go-Live

Originally issued on February 15, 2018, the FERC Order 841 (Electric Storage Participation in Markets Operated by Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators) removed market barriers and revised tariff language to permit Electric Storage Resources ("ERS's") in participating in most of the capacity, ancillary, and wholesale energy markets within the ISO/RTOs. On February 27, 2020, FERC granted SPP's request to further delay implementation of reforms designed to facilitate Energy Storage Resource participation in SPP’s markets. SPP requested the deferral in December 2019, explaining that it would not be able to implement its ESR participation model as scheduled because of ongoing delays in the development of a new market and transmission settlement system and software changes associated with FERC’s Order No. 841 reforms. FERC accepted SPP’s deferral request and ordered a new, August 5, 2021 production date for SPP’s underlying Order No. 841 tariff changes. Member testing has finished as of July 20; the Bid-to-Bill portion of member testing for the Order 841 Program is now complete in the Member Test Environment (MTE). As a reminder, this release includes changes to comply with FERC Order 841 (RR323 and RR425) These changes impact MPs that register an MSR (Market Storage Resource) in addition to any MP that performs shadow settlements since there are settlement calculation changes for Non-MSRs as well. This change will impact most – if not all - settlement calculations in some capacity. Although we do not expect impacts to the Adapt2 system in terms of the settlement download, there are changes to the submitted technical specifications within the Front Office processes. Upgrade 4.9.01 has been made available to integrate this market change. Adapt2 Solutions is happy to bring you the latest market news and help prepare your organization.

SPP FERC Order 841 Production Go-Live

24 Greenway Plaza #725

Houston, Texas 77046

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